Wednesday, November 18, 2015



Sunil Ramlall

Finding happiness is almost the purpose of life according to the Dalai Lama. Whenever we find real happiness, we should always treasure it and the sources of the happiness.
Sunil Ramlall

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Healthcare to the Poor

Providing Healthcare to the Poor: Utilizing Operations Research as a Means to Improving People’s Lives through Quality Healthcare

Advances in Research
4(1): 53-58, 2015, Article no.AIR.2015.060
ISSN: 2348-0394
Countries across the world are constantly pursuing access to timely and appropriate primary healthcare for people living in, even those with universal healthcare systems. This paper addresses the need for transformation and a more integrative approach to delivering healthcare to the poor. We are proposing the use of multiple operations research theories and applications as a means to integrate into core healthcare processes enabling organizations to provide a more efficient and accessible healthcare system.


Evolution of Management Thinking by Sunil Ramlall, Ph.D.

Dr. Sunil Ramlall shares an overview of the evolution of management thinking with a brief overview of management philosophies over time. Thi...